Trader Joe’s Rainbow Wrap Reviews

Rainbow Wrap: 4/10

I had such high hopes for this wrap because of how beautiful it was! Unfortunately, I do not have a rave review for you. This Rainbow wrap has a flour beet tortilla that gives it a red color, but not much added flavor. The filling of this wrap is roasted sweet potato, curried hummus, beets, and spinach. The “roasted” sweet potatoes literally tasted like they were raw and were crunchy. The curried hummus added a little bit of spice and flavor to the wrap, but mostly just added to the mushy wetness of the filling. I’ve found that #traderjoes wraps need to be eaten almost immediately after buying for your best bet at them tasting the best they can taste. If you wait too long, they are an even bigger soggy mess. This rainbow wrap is $4.49.

Have you tried this yet? What wrap is your favorite that I should try next?

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