Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Covered Honey Graham’s with Sea Salt Reviews

Dark Chocolate Covered Honey Graham’s with Sea Salt: 8/10

At first, I wasn’t blown away with these but the more I ate them, the more they grew on me. Like the name says, it’s a dark chocolate covered honey graham cracker with a light touch of salt. It’s a fairly thick layer of chocolate which I liked and combined with the graham, tastes almost like a bite sized s’mores without the marshmallow. These would be amazing used for actual s’mores with a toasty marshmallow in between two chocolate grahams! Each chocolate graham cracker had less sea salt than the ones on the front of the bag and I enjoyed how the slight saltiness contrasted the sweet Graham cracker. These have been on my list for a long time so I’m glad I finally got the chance to try them out! It’s $3.99 for the bag.

Have you tried them yet? What bite sized treat should I try next?

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