Trader Joe’s Chocolate Lava Cake Reviews

Chocolate Lava Cake: 7/10

These #traderjoes chocolate lava cakes have a lot of hype around them so I was very excited to try and review them for you all. Overall, I did not enjoy them as much as I thought I would. Each box has two #chocolate cakes filled with a little chocolate lava. The #cake itself was a little too salty for my taste, but still had a pretty good chocolate flavor. The lava was the best part and there was not nearly enough. I wanted the cakes to ooze out chocolate like #lavacake I’ve tried before! Each box is $2.99 for 2 cakes.

Have you tried it yet? What do you think?

22 thoughts on “Trader Joe’s Chocolate Lava Cake Reviews”

  1. I honestly think they’re the perfect ratio of ooey gooey chocolate to chocolate cake. But yeah you gotta have them with something to top off. I usually go with some type of berry and/or whipped cream

  2. Wait I thought I was the only one who found them salty?? It was pure fudgey salt in the center for me. My boyfriend said it was not salty at all and on the box it didn’t state it had salt so I thought I was going crazy!!!

  3. Again, WRONG on that review. Gurrrrrl you got to learn to cook frozen food!! —-> this is the baked pie of all pies… I’m in love with this very special little cake… it’s French too.. ouì ouì ouì 🐻🐾🐾🐾🐾


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