Trader Joe’s Vegan Pasta Bolognese Reviews

Vegan Pasta Bolognese: 7.5/10

🚨NEW ITEM🚨 I went into trying this brand new Vegan Bolognese with low expectations, and was pleasantly surprised how tasty this frozen meal was! I am not vegan personally, but it is a great time to be vegan shopping at #traderjoes with all these incredible new items! The pasta was made from red lentils and had a more al denente texture which I enjoyed and the pasta was covered in a delicious tomato sauce made from crushed tomatoes and tomato paste. I believe the meat taste was supposed to come from the carrots, onions and mushrooms mixed into the sauce and I would say they got very close to it tasting like real meat! If I were blindfolded I wouldn’t be able to tell the vegan from the real meat dish. I wished that there were more seasonings and some extra spice so I added my own! Overall, I would buy this again every once in a while for a quick and pretty tasty meal. It is $3.49 and half of this bowl filled me up!

Have you tried this yet? What did you think?

24 thoughts on “Trader Joe’s Vegan Pasta Bolognese Reviews”

  1. It’s the “texture wheat protein” that is the meat substitute and very close to that texture. It’s called Seitan. Been used in China for thousands of years.


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