Trader Joe’s Halvah Reviews

Halvah: 8/10

Growing up, my family would always eat and enjoy Halvah. For me, it was an acquired taste because the chalky texture can be shocking at first. Now, I love it and was so excited when #traderjoes released this brand new product! Halvah is crumbly and made out of Tahini, sugar, cocoa powder, and vanilla. This marbled #halvah was an amazing mix of chocolate and vanilla with a nutty flavor. Trader Joe’s #halvah is made in Greece and originated in the Middle East. Each bag is $2.99.

Have you ever tried Halvah before? What do you think?

24 thoughts on “Trader Joe’s Halvah Reviews”

  1. I grew up eating Halvah and grabbed this yesterday at my @traderjoes! It’s so good and I love that they are individually wrapped!! Now I need to go back and grab a few more bags before I can’t find them anymore and they tell me it’s a “seasonal” item!


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