Trader Joe’s Almond Macadamia Latte Reviews

Almond Macadamia Latte: 5.5/10

I was expecting a really smooth, creamy latte but was sadly disappointed with this product. I am a coffee lover, but this latte was too watery for my taste and slightly sour. When I think latte, I think creamy and smooth, and for 190 calories, I didn’t taste that with this latte. I definitely would prefer the coconut or regular cold brew concentrates from Trader Joe’s and add my own delicious almond milk or creamer. This latte is dairy free and is low on sugar which I appreciated, but I would not buy this product again. This drink is $2.99.

Have you tried it yet? What do you think?

17 thoughts on “Trader Joe’s Almond Macadamia Latte Reviews”

  1. I loved this! I am a great fan of all nondairy almond milk drinks that I can find. I hate coconut. So this one is prefect especially with little sugar…perfection 💕😊

  2. I tried it this morning. I liked it. I probably will buy again just for convenience. I think it’s unusual that they added sugar cane juice to this because in Brazil we drink sugar cane (caldo de cana) pure, not in coffee that I’ve seen. Maybe would be better with a little honey instead. I would rate 7.

  3. I am finding all the vegan bottle coffee DISGUSTING! This was bad but the starbucks one was so bad I didn’t even want to swallow it. I dont know what they are doing to the drinks but It’s just gross.


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